Las Partes contratantes y los Signatarios de este Convenio que son Miembros de la HCCH (es decir, la Organización) se indican en negrita; las Partes contratantes y los Signatarios que no son Miembros de la HCCH se indican en cursiva.

Parte contratante F 1 R/A/S2 Tipo3 VIG4 EXT5 Aut6 Res/D/N/CD7
Austria Den N 23
Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte Den N 23
Suiza Den N 23


Austria Tipo Denuncia

Austria had ratified the Convention on 9 October 1968 (entry into force: 23 October 1978).
On 20 April 2004, the Convention was denounced by Austria (effective as per 23 October 2008).

Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte Tipo Denuncia

The United Kingdom had ratified the Convention on 24 August 1978 (entry into force: 23 October 1978).
By letter dated 15 April 2003, the United Kingdom denounced the Convention (effective from 23 October 2003).

Suiza Tipo Denuncia

The Convention had been ratified by Switzerland on 7 June 1973 (entry into force: 23 October 1978).
By note dated 14 April 2003, Switzerland denounced the Convention (effective from 23 October 2003).


Austria Artículos Notificaciones

Austria denounced the Convention on 20 April 2004 (effective as per 23 October 2008).

Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte Artículos Notificaciones

By letter dated 15 April 2003, the United Kingdom denounced the Convention (effective from 23 October 2003).

Suiza Artículos Notificaciones

By note dated 14 April 2003, Switzerland denounced the Convention (effective from 23 October 2003).