

With the following reservations, which were withdrawn by a Note of 1 June 1995, received on 20 June 1995 and which ceased to have effect on 19 August 1995:

"El Estado español limita la aplicación del siguiente Convenio a los menores que tengan la nacionalidad de un Estado contratante."
"El Estado español reserva la competencia de sus Autoridades llamadas a dirimir demandas de anulación, disolución o atenuación del vínculo conyugal entre el padre y la madre de un menor, con el fin de adoptar medidas de protección de su persona o de sus bienes."

The Spanish State limits the application of the following Convention to minors having the nationality of a Contracting State.
The Spanish State reserves the jurisdiction of its authorities empowered to decide on a petition for annulment, dissolution or modification of the marital relationship of the father and the mother of a minor, to take measures for the protection of his person or property.