

Pursuant to the objections and declarations listed below, the Convention will not enter into force between Kosovo and the following Contracting States:
Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Chile, People’s Republic of China (for the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions), Cyprus, Ecuador, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Mauritius, Mexico, Republic of Moldova, Namibia, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Venezuela.

Please note that this matter was also discussed in the context of a session of the 2016 meeting of the Council on General Affairs and Policy of the Conference. No 4 of the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Council reads as follows:

New ratifications / accessions: role of the Depositary and the Permanent Bureau
4. The Council took note of the different views expressed on the subject matter. It recalled the relevance of the Vienna Convention of 1969 on the Law of Treaties, in particular its Articles 76(2) and 77 on the functions of depositories, and the provisions and requirements of the relevant Hague Convention. When, following the deposit of an instrument of ratification, approval, or accession, the Depositary subsequently receives an objection from a Contracting State, including based on the issue of statehood, the Depositary brings the matter to the attention of all Contracting States to the Convention concerned.


The Contracting States that raised an objection to the accession of Kosovo before 15 May 2016 are as follows: 
Argentina, 3-5-2016 
Armenia, 11-5-2016 
Austria, 13-5-2016 
Azerbaijan, 22-02-2016 
Belarus, 24-02-2016 
China, People’s Republic of, 29-01-2016 
Cyprus, 26-01-2016 
Ecuador, 17-06-2016 
Georgia, 15-01-2016 
Germany, 12-5-2016 
Greece, 12-5-2016 
India, 10-5-2016 
Israel, 11-5-2016 
Mauritius, 31-03-2016 
Mexico, 20-01-2016 
Moldova, Republic of, 24-02-2016 
Namibia, 13-5-2016 
Nicaragua, 19-04-2016
Paraguay, 10-5-2016 
Peru, 13-5-2016 
Poland, 13-5-2016 
Romania, 07-01-2016
Serbia, 23-12-2015
Slovakia, 3-5-2016
Ukraine, 18-4-2016
Uzbekistan, 10-5-2016
Venezuela, 10-5-2016

Israel, 20-11-2024
The State of Israel hereby withdraws its objection to the accession of the Republic of Kosovo to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents.
Therefore, the Convention entered into force between the State of Israel and the Republic of Kosovo on 20 November 2024.
Poland, 20-02-2024
The Republic of Poland hereby withdraws its objection to the accession of the Republic of Kosovo to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents, done at the Hague on 5 October 1961.
Therefore, the aforementioned Convention will enter into force between the Republic of Poland and the Republic of Kosovo as of 1 March 2024.


The Contracting States listed below chose to make specific formal declarations with regard to Kosovo.

Austria, 02-11-2017
Brazil, 15-08-2016
Chile, 10-10-2016
Ecuador, 17-06-2016
France, 14-11-2017
Germany, 26-09-2017 
Serbia, 06-11-2015, 18-12-2015; 26-04-2016 
Spain, 13-11-2015, 1-4-2016, 22-4-2016; 12-05-2016
Russian Federation, 26-11-2015
United States of America, 06-09-2017

The depository, 15-4-2016, 28-4-2016

The full text of the aforementioned Objections, Declarations and Communications can be found on the corresponding pages of website of the depositary for the Convention, available from the following links: Objections to accession; Reservations, declarations and objections; Depositary communications (see “Depositary communications concerning Spain”, as such communications were made in response to notes verbales from the Kingdom of Spain).