Nicaragua accedes to the 1970 Evidence and 1996 Child Protection Conventions

On 27 February 2019, Nicaragua deposited its instrument of accession to the HCCH Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (“Evidence Convention”). The Evidence Convention, which now has 62 Contracting Parties, will enter into force for Nicaragua on 28 April 2019.
On the same day, Nicaragua also deposited its instrument of accession to the HCCH Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children (“Child Protection Convention”). The Child Protection Convention, which now has 51 Contracting Parties, will enter into force for Nicaragua on 1 December 2019.
While not a Member of the HCCH, Nicaragua is currently Party to two other HCCH Conventions, namely: the HCCH Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (Apostille Convention) and the HCCH Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Child Abduction Convention).