This bibliography is not intended to be exhaustive. The views expressed in the items listed in this bibliography may not reflect those of the HCCH, and the HCCH does not take responsibility for any of the views expressed in the referenced items.

Author Title Periodical Year of publication
WINSHIP, P. Private International Law and the UN Sales Convention Cornell International Law Journal 1988
WATTÉ, N. L'autonomie de la volonté dans les Conventions de La Haye Revue belge de droit international 1991
FAWCETT, J., HARRIS, J. & BRIDGE, M. International Sale of Goods in the Conflict of Laws 2005
WOOL, J. cf. GOODE, R.
GOODE, R., KRONKE, H., McKENDRICK, E. & WOOL, J. Transnational Commercial Law - International Instruments and Commentary 2004
TOMÁS ORTIZ DE LA TORRE, J. A. La Convención de la Conferencia de La Haya sobre la ley aplicable a los contratos de venta internacional de mercaderías La Ley. Revista jurídica española de doctrina, jurisprudencia y bibliografía 1987
LANDO, O. The 1955 and 1985 Hague Conventions on the Law Applicable to the International Sale of Goods Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 1993
MATSUOKA, H., TAKASUGI, N. & TADA, N. The Translation into Japanese: Explanatory Report by Arthur Taylor von Mehren on the Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Kagawa-hogaku 1993
PELICHET, M. La vente internationale de marchandises et le conflit de lois Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de droit international de La Haye 1987
PELICHET, M. Note introductive à la Convention de La Haye sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises Revue de droit uniforme 1986
PELICHET, M. Les facteurs de rattachement objectifs dans la Convention de La Haye du 22 déc. 1986 sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises Emptio - venditio inter nationes (Mél. Karl H. Neumayer) 1997
PELICHET, M. Les rapports entre la Convention de Vienne et la Convention de La Haye de 1986 sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises Les ventes internationales, Journée d'étude en l'honneur du prof. Karl H. Neumayer 1998
BOSCHIERO, N. Profili dell'autonomia privata nelle convenzioni di diritto uniforme sulla vendita internazionale L'unificazione del diritto internazionale privato e processuale - Studi in memoria di Mario Giuliano 1989
GABOR, F. Stepchild of the New Lex Mercatoria: Private International Law from the United States Perspective Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 1988
HENSEN, CHR. A. J. F. M. Een koopovereenkomst in Europa; forumkeuze en rechtskeuze Tijdschrift voor Vennootschappen, Verenigingen en Stichtingen (TVVS) 1989
KUCERA, Z. Úcinky prechodu vlastnického práva mezi stranami mezinárodní kupuní smlouvy Casopis pro mazinárodní právo 1968
KUCERA, Z. Kolizní problematika prechodu vlastnického práva k movitým vecem na základe mezinárodní kupní smlouvy Studie CSAV 1970
LOPEZ DE GONZALO, M. L'esercizio della giurisdizione civile in materia di vendita internazionale Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 1990
MATIC, Z. The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods - Rules on the Applicable Law International Contracts and Conflicts of Laws - A Collection of Essays 1990
MATSUOKA, H., TAKASUGI, N. & TADA, N. The 1986 Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Handai-Hôgaku 1993
MATTEO DE OTEIZA, V. La compraventa internacional de mercaderias Revista de derecho comercial y de la empresa 1985
McLACHLAN, C. The New Hague Sales Convention and the limits of the Choice of Law Process The Law Quarterly Review 1986
MEBROUKIN, A. Quelques remarques à propos de la Convention de La Haye de 1986 sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises Revue de droit des affaires internationales 1987
NAPOLETANO, G. Il progretto di una nuove convenzione sulla legge applicabile alla compravendita internazionale di merci Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali 1985
PELICHET, M. The Hague Draft Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Asian Pacific Regional Trade Law Seminar 1985
PHILIP, A. Haagerkonferencens ekstraordinære samling 1985 om lovvalg ved internationale løsørekøb
Nordic Journal of International Law 1986
POMMIER, J.-C. Principe d'autonomie et loi du contrat en droit international privé conventionnel 1992
PRUJINER, A. Treaties and International Documents used in International Trade Law/Traités et documents internationaux usuels en droit du commerce international 1992
PRYLES, M. The Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Fifteenth International Trade Law Conference 4-6 Nov. 1988 1989
ROSSI, L. S. Il problema dei conflitti fra le convenzioni promosse dalla CEE e della Conferenza permanente dell'Aja sulla disciplina internazionalprivatistica delle vendite internazionali Diritto comunitario e degli scambi internazionali 1986
SACERDOTI, G. I criteri di applicazione della convenzione di Vienna sulla vendita internazionale: diritto uniforme, diritto internazionale privato e autonomia dei contraenti Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile 1990
SAITO, A. The Substantive Uniform Laws and Private International Law in the International Sale of Goods Kokusai ShÇji Homu (Journal of the Japanese Institute of International Business Law) 1986
SOSA, G. L. El regimen internacional de la compraventa de mercaderias: la ley aplicable JUS 1991
TAKASUGI, N. The Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods - Japanese Conflicts Rule, CISG and the 1986 Hague PIL Convention Kagawa University Law Review 1994
BOSCHIERO, N. La Nuova Convenzione dell'Aja sulla legge applicabile alla vendita internazionale Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale 1986
WINSHIP, P. Energy Contracts and the United Nations Sales Convention Texas International Law Journal 1990
TOMÁS ORTIZ DE LA TORRE, J. A. Sur la Convention de La Haye du 22 décembre 1986 sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises Revista Jurídica Española La Ley 1987
BOUKAOURIS, G. N. The primordial role of the Hague Conference on private international law with a special emphasis on its efforts to codify the rules of private international sales contract law - a step by step spherical analysis of the provisions of the new Hague Convention of Dec. 22, 1986 on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Hellenic Review of International Relations 1986
COHEN, D. & UGHETTO, B. La nouvelle Convention de La Haye relative à la loi applicable aux ventes internationales de marchandises Recueil Dalloz 1986
DIAMOND, A. L. Conventions and their revision Unification. Liber Amicorum Jean Georges Sauveplanne 1984
DUBBINK, C. W. Wereldrecht en Wereldconflictenrecht Mededelingen Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie voor Wetenschappen 1987
FINKE, K. Die Bedeutung der internationalen Handelsklauseln für Gefahrübertragung nach deutschem und US-amerikanischem Recht. Eine rechtsvergleichende Studie unter Berücksichtigung des Haager Einheitlichen Kaufrechts nach der UNCITRAL-Kaufrechts am Beisp. d. Klauseln CIT, FOB und den Klauseln des Ankunftsvertrages 1984
GABOR, F. Emerging Unification of Conflict of Laws Rules Applicable to the International Sale of Goods: UNCITRAL and the New Hague Conference on Private International Law Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business 1986
HENSEN, CHR. A. J. F. M. Het Europees IPR in botsing met Haagse Verdragen, problemen van samenloop Eenvormig en Vergelijkend Privaatrecht 1990
HEUZÉ, V. La réglementation française des contrats internationaux - Etude critique des méthodes 1990
HJERNER, L. Haagkonventionerna (1955 och 1986) om lagval vid internationella köp Svensk Juristtidning 1993
KASSIS, A. Le nouveau droit européen des contrats internationaux 1993
KRETZSCHMAR, D. & STROHBACH, H. Diplomatische Konferenz über das auf Verträge über den internationalen Warenkauf anzuwendende Recht Recht im Aussenhandel 1986
KUCERA, Z. Haagská úmluva o právu rozhodném pro smlouvy o mezinárodní koupi zbozí Právní zpravodaj cs. zahranicního obchodu
LAGARDE, P. La nouvelle Convention de La Haye sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises Revue internationale de droit comparé 1985
LANDO, O. The 1985 Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Sales Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 1987
LEBEDEV, S. Concerning Revision of 1955 Hague Convention Juridical Aspects of Carrying out Foreign Economic Relations 1985
LEBEDEV, S. & MARTYNOV, A. The New Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Contracts for the International Sale of Goods Foreign Trade 1987
LOPEZ DE GONZALO, M. La Convenzione dell'Aja del 1985 sulla legge applicabile ai contratti di vendita internazionale Diritto del commercio internazionale 1988
LOSOUCZI, J. Eine neue Haager Konvention über das anzuwendende Recht bei internationalen Warenkaufverträgen Kuelgazdasag 1987
LOUSSOUARN, Y. La Convention de La Haye d'octobre 1985 sur la loi applicable aux contrats de vente internationale de marchandises Revue critique de droit international privé 1986
MARÍN LÓPEZ, A. El Convenio sobre la ley aplicable a la venta internacional de mercancías de 1985 Revista de Derecho Mercantil 1988