Bulgarien - Zentrale Behörde
The Ministry of Justice
Legal Child Support Department
Central Authority of the Republic of Bulgaria
1, Slavyanska Street
1040 SOFIA
numéro de téléphone/telephone number: +359 (2) 923 7302
numéro de télécopie/telefax number: +359 (2) 987 1557
Internet: www.mjeli.government.bg
Personnes à contacter / persons to contact:
- Mme Elina Georgieva
Chef du Département de la protection juridique internationale des enfants/
Head of International Legal Child Support Department
(langues de communication / languages of communication: français, russe / French, Russian)
Email: elina.georgieva@justice.government.bg - Mrs Lestalina Chernogorova
Senior expert
(langue de communication / language of communication: anglais / English)
Email: L_Chernogorova@justice.government.bg - Mrs Maria Gencheva
State expert
(langue de communication / language of communication: anglais / English)
E-mail: M_Gencheva@justice.government.bg
(This page was last updated on 30 January 2015)
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