Norwegen - Zuständige Behörde (Art. 6)

Designated Competent Authority(ies):

  1. The County Governors
  2. Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Contact details:

Address: County Governors (Statsforvalteren)
Click here to access the contact details of the County Governors
Telephone: -
Fax: -
E-mail: -
General website (see also "Practical Information"): County Governor -
Languages of communication Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English


Address: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
7. juni-plassen / Victoria Terrasse
PO box 8114 Dep.
0032 OSLO
Telephone: (+47) 23 95 00 00
Fax: (+47) 23 95 00 99
E-mail: [email protected]
General website (see also "Practical Information"):
Languages of communication Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English


Practical Information:

Price: No charge
Useful Links: County Governor -
Legalisation -

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