This document deals with the application of the Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children in cross-border situations involving children who are unaccompanied, that is, children without parental care who “are not cared for by another relative or an adult who by law or custom is responsible for doing so”. It also deals with the application of the 1996 Convention to separated children, that is, children without parental care who “are separated from a previous legal or customary primary caregiver but who may nevertheless be accompanied by another relative”. This document will help legal practitioners, judges and professionals (e.g., child welfare / protection officials and enforcement officers) with responsibilities in the protection of these children to better understand the Convention, where it applies.

This publication is available in the following languages:

ISBN: 978-90-83248-19-6

ISBN: 978-90-83320-60-1

ISBN: 978-90-83375-82-3

An electronic copy of this publication is available for download in:
English | French | Ukrainian.

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