Burkina Faso - Autoridad central

Ministère de la Femme de la Solidarité Nationale et de la Famille
01 BP 515
Burkina Faso
Numéro de téléphone (tous service)/Telephone number : +226 25 33 53 90
Numéro de téléphone (secrétariat particulier)/Telephone number : +226 2530 6875
Numéro de télécopie/Telefax number : + 226 5031 6157
Courriel/E-mail : laure.hien@gmail.com

Personne à contacter/contact person :

  • Madame Laure ZONGO/HIEN
    Ministre de la Femme, de la Solidarité Nationale et de la Famille
    (langue de communication / language of communication : français / French)
N.B. Burkina Faso having acceded to the Convention in accordance with Article 38, the accession has effect only as regards the relations between Burkina Faso and such Contracting States as have declared their acceptance of the accession. "Such a declaration will also have to be made by any Member State ratifying, accepting or approving the Convention after an accession."

(This page was last updated on 21 November 2016)

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