China (Macao) - Autoridad competente (Art. 6)

Date of entry into force of the Convention for Macao SAR: 4 February 1969

Designated Competent Authority(ies):

  1. the Secretary for Administration and Justice
  2. the Director and the Deputy Directors of Justice Affairs Department

Contact details:

Address: Chief Executive
Sede do Governo da RAEM
Avenida da Praia Grande
Macao SAR
Telephone: +(853) 2872 6886 / +(853) 2856 5555
Fax: +(853) 2872 6168
E-mail: -
Languages of communication: -
Contact person: -
General website (see also "Practical Information") : -


Address: Secretary for Administration and Justice
Rua de S. Lourenço, n.º 28
Sede do Governo
4.º andar
Macao SAR
Telephone: +(853) 2872 6886
Fax: +(853) 2872 6880
E-mail: -
Languages of communication: -
Contact person: -
General website (see also "Practical Information") : -


Address: Director of the Legal Affairs Bureau
Rua do Campo, n.º 162
Edf. Administração
Pública 19.º andar
Macao SAR
Telephone: +(853) 2856 4225
Fax: +(853) 28710445
E-mail: [email protected]
Languages of communication: Chinese, English, Portuguese
Contact person: Ms. Lao Chi Ieng
General website (see also "Practical Information") : (the website is only in Chinese and Portuguese – the application form is now available also in English)

Practical Information:

Price: Free of charge
Useful Links:

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