Las Partes contratantes (incluidas las ORIE y los Estados obligados por su aprobación) de este Convenio [Protocolo] que también revisten la calidad de Miembro de la HCCH (es decir, la Organización) figuran en negrita, mientras que las que no son Miembros figuran en cursiva.

Parte contratante * F 1 R/A/Ap/Su2 Tipo3 VIG4 EXT5 Aut6 Res/D/N/CD7
Albania 13-II-2024 25-VI-2024 R 1-X-2024
Alemania ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Austria ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Bélgica ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Bulgaria ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
China 12-IX-2017
Chipre ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Croacia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Dinamarca 30-V-2018 A 1-IX-2018 D 21
Eslovaquia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Eslovenia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
España ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Estados Unidos de América 19-I-2009
Estonia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Finlandia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Francia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Grecia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Hungría ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Irlanda ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Israel 3-III-2021
Italia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Kosovo 19-IX-2024
Letonia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Lituania ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Luxemburgo ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Macedonia del Norte 9-XII-2019
Malta ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
México 26-IX-2007 A 1-X-2015
Montenegro 5-X-2017 18-IV-2018 R 1-VIII-2018
Países Bajos ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Polonia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Portugal ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte 28-IX-2020 A 1-X-2015 D,Res,DC 21
República Checa ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
República de Moldova 14-III-2024 A 1-VII-2024 D 21
Rumania ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Singapur 25-III-2015 2-VI-2016 R 1-X-2016
Suecia ApEU* 1-X-2015 D
Suiza 18-IX-2024 A 1-I-2025 D 22
Ucrania 21-III-2016 28-IV-2023 R 1-VIII-2023
Unión europea 1-IV-2009 11-VI-2015 ApEU 1-X-2015 D,N 30

* (incluidas las ORIE y los Estados obligados por su aprobación)



Alemania Artículos Declaraciones

Germany is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Austria Artículos Declaraciones

Austria is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Bélgica Artículos Declaraciones

Belgium is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Bulgaria Artículos Declaraciones

Bulgaria is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Chipre Artículos Declaraciones

Cyprus is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Croacia Artículos Declaraciones

Croatia is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Dinamarca Artículos Declaraciones

Declaration by the Kingdom of Denmark at the time of accession to the Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements (‘the Convention’) in accordance with Article 21 thereof

The objective of this declaration which excludes certain types of insurance contracts from the scope of the Convention is to protect certain policyholders, insured parties and beneficiaries who, according to internal EU law, receive special protection.

1) The Kingdom of Denmark declares, in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, that it will not apply the Convention to insurance contracts, except as provided for in paragraph 2 below.

2) The Kingdom of Denmark will apply the Convention to insurance contracts in the following cases:
a) where the contract is a reinsurance contract;
b) where the choice of court agreement is entered into after the dispute has arisen;
c) where, without prejudice to Article 1 (2) of the Convention, the choice of court agreement is concluded between a policyholder and an insurer, both of whom are, at the time of the conclusion of the contract of insurance, domiciled or habitually resident in the same Contracting State, and that agreement has the effect of conferring jurisdiction on the courts of that State, even if the harmful event were to occur abroad, provided that such an agreement is not contrary to the law of that State;
(d) where the choice of court agreement relates to a contract of insurance which covers one or more of the following risks considered to be large risks:
i) any loss or damage arising from perils which relate to their use for commercial purposes, of, or to:
a) seagoing ships, installations situated offshore or on the high seas or river, canal and lake vessels;
b) aircraft;
c) railway rolling stock;
ii) any loss of or damage to goods in transit or baggage other than passengers' baggage, irrespective of the form of transport;
iii) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, arising out of the use or operation of:
a) ships, installations or vessels as referred to in point i) a);
b) aircraft, in so far as the law of the Contracting State in which such aircraft are registered does not prohibit choice of court agreements regarding the insurance of such risks;
c) railway rolling stock;
iv) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, for loss or damage caused by goods in transit or baggage as referred to in point ii);
v) any financial loss connected with the use or operation of ships, installations, vessels, aircraft or railway rolling stock as referred to in point i), in particular loss of freight or charter-hire;
vi) any risk or interest connected with any of the risks referred to in points i) to v);
vii) any credit risk or suretyship risk where the policy holder is engaged professionally in an industrial or commercial activity or in one of the liberal professions and the risk relates to such activity;
viii) any other risks where the policy holder carries on a business of a size which exceeds the limits of at least two of the following criteria:
a) a balance-sheet total of EUR 6,2 million;
b) a net turnover of EUR 12,8 million;
c) an average number of 250 employees during the financial year.

Unilateral declaration by the Kingdom of Denmark at the time of accession to the Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements (‘the Convention’) The Kingdom of Denmark makes the following unilateral declaration:

The Kingdom of Denmark declares that it may, at a later stage in the light of the experience acquired in the application of the Convention, reassess the need to maintain its declaration under Article 21 of the Convention.  

The Convention shall not apply to the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Eslovaquia Artículos Declaraciones

Slovakia is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Eslovenia Artículos Declaraciones

Slovenia is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

España Artículos Declaraciones

Spain is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Estonia Artículos Declaraciones

Estonia is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Finlandia Artículos Declaraciones

Finland is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Francia Artículos Declaraciones

France is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Grecia Artículos Declaraciones

Greece is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Hungría Artículos Declaraciones

Hungary is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Irlanda Artículos Declaraciones

Ireland is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Italia Artículos Declaraciones

Italy is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Letonia Artículos Declaraciones

Latvia is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Lituania Artículos Declaraciones

Lithuania is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Luxemburgo Artículos Declaraciones

Luxembourg is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Malta Artículos Declaraciones

Malta is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Países Bajos Artículos Declaraciones

The Netherlands is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Polonia Artículos Declaraciones

Poland is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Portugal Artículos Declaraciones

Portugal is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte Artículos Declaraciones Reservas Depositary communications

Notice from the Depositary:

With reference to depositary notification Choice of Court No. 01/2019, dated 2 January 2019, regarding the accession to the Convention by the United Kingdom, and with reference to depositary notifications Choice of Court No. 03/2019, dated 29 March 2019, Choice of Court No. 04/2019, dated 12 April 2019, and Choice of Court No. 07/2019, dated 31 October 2019, regarding the suspended accession of the United Kingdom to the Convention, the depositary communicates that the Instrument of Accession, Note Verbale and Declarations were withdrawn by the United Kingdom on 31 January 2020.

With reference to depositary notifications Choice of Court No. 03/2019, dated 29 March 2019, and Choice of Court No. 04/2019, dated 12 April 2019, regarding the suspended accession of the United Kingdom to the Convention, the depositary communicates that the accession remains suspended until 1 February 2020.

With reference to depositary notification Choice of Court No. 03/2019, dated 29 March 2019, regarding the suspended accession of the United Kingdom to the Convention, the depositary communicates that the accession remains suspended until 1 November 2019.


With reference to depositary notification Choice of Court No. 01/2019, dated 2 January 2019, regarding the accession to the Convention by the United Kingdom, the depositary communicates that the accession is suspended until 13 April 2019 or 23 May 2019.



Her Majesty’s Government hereby expresses its consent for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and for Gibraltar, to be bound by the Convention subject to the following Declarations:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares, in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, that it will not apply the Convention to insurance contracts, except as provided for in paragraph 1 below:
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will apply the Convention to insurance contracts in the following cases:
(a) where the contract is a reinsurance contract;
(b) where the choice of court agreement is entered into after the dispute has arisen;
(c) where, without prejudice to Article 1 (2) of the Convention, the choice of court agreement is concluded between a policyholder and an insurer, both of whom are, at the time of the conclusion of the contract of insurance, domiciled or habitually resident in the same Contracting State, and that agreement has the effect of conferring jurisdiction on the courts of that State, even if the harmful event were to occur abroad, provided that such an agreement is not contrary to the law of that State;
(d) where the choice of court agreement relates to a contract of insurance which covers one or more of the following risks considered to be large risks:

(i) any loss or damage arising from perils which relate to their use for commercial purposes, of, or to:
          (a) seagoing ships, installations situated offshore or on the high seas or river, canal and lake vessels;
          (b) aircraft;
          (c) railway rolling stock;
(ii) any loss of or damage to goods in transit or baggage other than passengers' baggage, irrespective of the form of transport;
(iii) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, arising out of the use or operation of:
         (a) ships, installations or vessels as referred to in point (i)(a);
         (b) aircraft, in so far as the law of the Contracting State in which such aircraft are registered does not prohibit choice of court agreements regarding the insurance of such risks;
         (c) railway rolling stock;
(iv) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, for loss or damage caused by goods in transit or baggage as referred to in point (ii);
(v) any financial loss connected with the use or operation of ships, installations, vessels, aircraft or railway rolling stock as referred to in point (i), in particular loss of freight or charter-hire;
(vi) any risk or interest connected with any of the risks referred to in points (i) to (v);
(vii) any credit risk or suretyship risk where the policy holder is engaged professionally in an industrial or commercial activity or in one of the liberal professions and the risk relates to such activity;
(viii) any other risks where the policy holder carries on a business of a size which exceeds the limits of at least two of the following criteria:
          (a) a balance-sheet total of EUR 6,2 million;
          (b) a net turnover of EUR 12,8 million;
          (c) an average number of 250 employees during the financial year.

2. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares that it may, at a later stage in the light of the experience acquired in the application of the Convention, reassess the need to maintain its declaration under Article 21 of the Convention.”

With the following Note Verbale:
“Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of accession (the “Instrument of Accession”) which it has today deposited to achieve the accession of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) to the Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements (the “2005 Hague Convention”).

In accordance with Article 30 of the 2005 Hague Convention, the United Kingdom became bound by the Convention on 1 October 2015 by virtue of its membership of the European Union, which approved the Convention on that date.

The Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community (the “Withdrawal Agreement”) entered into force on 1 February 2020. The Withdrawal Agreement includes provisions for a transition period, which started on 1 February 2020 and will end on 31 December 2020 (the “transition period”). In accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement, during the transition period, European Union law, including the 2005 Hague Convention, continues to be applicable to and in the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom is treated as a Member State for the purposes of international agreements concluded by the European Union, including the 2005 Hague Convention.

With the intention of ensuring continuity of application of the 2005 Hague Convention, the United Kingdom has submitted the Instrument of Accession in accordance with Article 27(4) of the 2005 Hague Convention. Whilst acknowledging that the Instrument of Accession takes effect at 00:00 CET on 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom considers that the 2005 Hague Convention entered into force for the United Kingdom on 1 October 2015 and that the United Kingdom is a Contracting State without interruption from that date.

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy has further the honour to refer to an instrument deposited on 31 July 2019, declaring that its accession to the 2005 Hague Convention would be also in respect of Gibraltar, and that this accession in respect of Gibraltar would be subject to declarations accompanying. The United Kingdom considers that this accession in respect of Gibraltar, and the accompanying declarations, were withdrawn by operation of the instrument deposited by the United Kingdom on 31 January 2020. The United Kingdom is, however, now acceding to the Convention also in respect of Gibraltar and so the declarations now accompanying the present Instrument of Accession apply also to Gibraltar, as specified. The United Kingdom intends to make further declarations with respect to Gibraltar in due course.

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of accession (the “Instrument of Accession”), which it deposited alongside a Note Verbale (the “Note Verbale”) on 28 December 2018, and declarations which it deposited on 28 March 2019, 12 April 2019 and 30 October 2019 (“Declarations”), concerning the accession by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) to the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements of 30 June 2005 (the “Agreement”).

Since the deposit of the Instrument of Accession, the United Kingdom and the European Union have signed, ratified and approved a Withdrawal Agreement, which will enter into force on 1 February 2020 (the “Withdrawal Agreement”). The Withdrawal Agreement includes provisions for a transition period to start on the date the Withdrawal Agreement enters into force and end on 31 December 2020 (the “transition period”). In accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement, during the transition period, European Union law, including the Agreement, will continue to be applicable to and in the United Kingdom.

In accordance with the arrangements proposed in the Note Verbale and Declarations, the Government of the United Kingdom is therefore writing to notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands of its withdrawal of the Instrument of Accession, Note Verbale and Declarations.

The United Kingdom attaches importance to the seamless continuity of the application of the Agreement to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom therefore intends to deposit a new instrument of accession at the appropriate time prior to the termination of the transition period.

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.


Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of accession (the “Instrument of Accession”), which it deposited on 28 December 2018, and Declarations which it deposited on 28 March 2019 and 12 April 2019, concerning the accession by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) to the Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements (the “Agreement”), and wishes to make the following declaration in respect of the accession by the United Kingdom to the Agreement.

In its Decision of 29 October 2019 (the “European Council Decision”), the European Council has agreed a further extension of the period for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on the European Union (the “Extension Period”) which would last until 31 January 2020, or any of the earlier specified dates on which the Withdrawal Agreement enters into force.

During the Extension Period, the United Kingdom will remain a Member State of the European Union. As a Member State, European Union law, including the Agreement, will remain applicable to and in the United Kingdom.

The Government of the United Kingdom therefore has the honour to declare that the United Kingdom’s accession to the Agreement, including its extension to Gibraltar, should remain suspended until 1 February 2020 in accordance with the European Council Decision.

In the event that a Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union and enters into force prior to or on 1 February 2020, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Accession which it deposited on 28 December 2018.

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of accession (the “Instrument of Accession”) which it deposited on 28 December 2018, and Note Verbale which it deposited on 28 March 2019 (the “Note Verbale”), concerning the accession by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) to the Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements (the “Agreement”), and wishes to make the following declaration in respect of the accession of the United Kingdom to the Agreement.

Since the deposit of the Note Verbale, in its Decision of 11 April 2019 (the “European Council Decision”) taken in agreement with the United Kingdom, the European Council has agreed a further extension until 31 October 2019 of the period for withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on European Union (the “Extension Period”). During the Extension Period, the United Kingdom will remain a Member State of the European Union. As a Member State, European Union law, including the Agreement, will remain applicable to and in the United Kingdom.

The Government of the United Kingdom therefore has the honour to declare that the United Kingdom’s accession to the Agreement should remain suspended until 1 November 2019 in accordance with the European Council Decision.

As stated in the Note Verbale, in the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Accession which it deposited on 28 December 2018.

Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.

Since the deposit of the Instrument of Accession and the Note Verbale, the European Council and the United Kingdom have agreed to extend the period for withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union under Article 50(3) of the Treaty on European Union (the "Extension Period"). During the Extension Period, the United Kingdom will remain a Member State of the European Union. As a Member State, European Union law, including the Agreement, will remain applicable to and in the United Kingdom.

The length of the Extension Period is contingent on whether the Parliament of the United Kingdom approves an agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union (the "Withdrawal Agreement"). In its Decision on 22 March 2019 (the "European Council Decision") the European Council stated:

"In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is approved by the House of Commons by 29 March 2019 at the latest, the period provided for in Article 50(3) TEU is extended until 22 May 2019. In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is not approved by the House of Commons by 29 March 2019 at the latest, the period provided for in Article 50(3) TEU is extended until 12 April 2019. In that event, the United Kingdom will indicate a way forward before 12 April 2019, for consideration by the European Council."

The Government of the United Kingdom attaches importance to the seamless continuity of the application of the Agreement to the United Kingdom. In view of the short period of extension, the Government declares that it suspends the date of the United Kingdom's accession to the Agreement from 1 April 2019, as stipulated in the Note Verbale, until 13 April 2019, or until 23 May 2019, as the case may be in accordance with the European Council Decision.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares, in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, that it will not apply the Convention to insurance contracts, except as provided for in paragraph 1 below:

1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will apply the Convention to insurance contracts in the following cases:

(a) where the contract is a reinsurance contract;

(b) where the choice of court agreement is entered into after the dispute has arisen;

(c) where, without prejudice to Article 1 (2) of the Convention, the choice of court agreement is concluded between a policyholder and an insurer, both of whom are, at the time of the conclusion of the contract of insurance, domiciled or habitually resident in the same Contracting State, and that agreement has the effect of conferring jurisdiction on the courts of that State, even if the harmful event were to occur abroad, provided that such an agreement is not contrary to the law of that State;

(d) where the choice of court agreement relates to a contract of insurance which covers one or more of the following risks considered to be large risks:

(i) any loss or damage arising from perils which relate to their use for commercial purposes, of, or to:

(a) seagoing ships, installations situated offshore or on the high seas or river, canal and lake vessels;

(b) aircraft;

(c) railway rolling stock;

(ii) any loss of or damage to goods in transit or baggage other than passengers' baggage, irrespective of the form of transport;

(iii) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, arising out of the use or operation of:

(a) ships, installations or vessels as referred to in point (i)(a);

(b) aircraft, in so far as the law of the Contracting State in which such aircraft are registered does not prohibit choice of court agreements regarding the insurance of such risks;

(c) railway rolling stock;

(iv) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, for loss or damage caused by goods in transit or baggage as referred to in point (ii);

(v) any financial loss connected with the use or operation of ships, installations, vessels, aircraft or railway rolling stock as referred to in point (i), in particular loss of freight or charter-hire;

(vi) any risk or interest connected with any of the risks referred to in points (i) to (v);

(vii) any credit risk or suretyship risk where the policy holder is engaged professionally in an industrial or commercial activity or in one of the liberal professions and the risk relates to such activity;

(viii) any other risks where the policy holder carries on a business of a size which exceeds the limits of at least two of the following criteria:

(a) a balance-sheet total of EUR 6,2 million;

(b) a net turnover of EUR 12,8 million;

(c) an average number of 250 employees during the financial year.

2. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland declares that it may, at a later stage in the light of the experience acquired in the application of the Convention, reassess the need to maintain its declaration under Article 21 of the Convention.

With the following Note Verbale:
Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and has the honour to refer to the instrument of accession (the “Instrument of Accession”) which it has today deposited concerning the accession of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the “United Kingdom”) to the Hague Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements (the “2005 Hague Convention”).
In accordance with Article 29 of the 2005 Hague Convention, the United Kingdom is bound by the Convention by virtue of its membership of the European Union, which approved the Convention on behalf of its Member States. The United Kingdom intends to continue to participate in the 2005 Hague Convention after it withdraws from the European Union.

The Government of the United Kingdom and the European Council have reached political agreement on the text of a treaty (the “Withdrawal Agreement”) on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community. Subject to signature, ratification and approval by the parties, the Withdrawal Agreement will enter into force on 30 March 2019.

The Withdrawal Agreement includes provisions for a transition period to start on 30 March 2019 and end on 31 December 2020 or such later date as is agreed by the United Kingdom and the European Union (the “transition period”). In accordance with the Withdrawal Agreement, during the transition period, European Union law, including the 2005 Hague Convention, would continue to be applicable to and in the United Kingdom. The European Union and the United Kingdom have agreed that the European Union will notify other parties to international agreements that during the transition period the United Kingdom is treated as a Member State for the purposes of international agreements concluded by the European Union, including the 2005 Hague Convention.

In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is not ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union, however, the United Kingdom wishes to ensure continuity of application of the 2005 Hague Convention from the point at which it ceases to be a Member State of the European Union. The United Kingdom has therefore submitted the Instrument of Accession in accordance with Article 27(4) of the 2005 Hague Convention only in preparation for this situation. The Instrument of Accession declares that the United Kingdom accedes to the 2005 Hague Convention in its own right with effect from 1 April 2019.

In the event that the Withdrawal Agreement is signed, ratified and approved by the United Kingdom and the European Union and enters into force on 30 March 2019, the United Kingdom will withdraw the Instrument of Accession which it has today deposited. In that case, for the duration of the transition period as provided for in the Withdrawal Agreement as stated above, the United Kingdom will be treated as a Member State of the European Union and the 2005 Hague Convention will continue to have effect accordingly.

The Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Kingdom of the Netherlands avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands the assurances of its highest consideration.

República Checa Artículos Declaraciones

The Czech Republic is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

República de Moldova Artículos Declaraciones


1. Republic of Moldova declares, in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, that it will not apply the Convention to insurance contracts, except as provided for in paragraph 2 below.

2. The Republic of Moldova will apply the Convention to insurance contracts in the following cases:

  1. where the contract is a reinsurance contract;
  2. where the choice of court agreement is entered into after the dispute has arisen;
  3. where, without prejudice to Article 1 (2) of the Convention, the choice of court agreement is concluded between a policyholder and an insurer, both of whom are, at the time of the conclusion of the contract of insurance, domiciled or habitually resident in the same Contracting State, and that agreement has the effect of conferring jurisdiction on the courts of that State, even if the harmful event were to occur abroad, provided that such an agreement is not contrary to the law of that State;
  4. where the choice of court agreement relates to a contract of insurance which covers one or more of the following risks considered to be large risks:
    a) any loss or damage arising from perils which relate to their use for commercial purposes, of, or to:
        - seagoing ships, installations situated offshore or on the high seas or river, canal and lake vessels;
        - aircraft;
        - railway rolling stock;
    b) any loss of or damage to goods in transit or baggage other than passengers' baggage, irrespective of the form of transport;
    c) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, arising out of the use or operation of:
        - ships, installations or vessels as referred to in point a), first subpoint;
        - aircraft, in so far as the law of the Contracting State in which such aircraft are registered does not prohibit choice of court agreements regarding the insurance of such risks;
        - railway rolling stock;
    d) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, for loss or damage caused by goods in transit or baggage as referred to in point b);
    e) any financial loss connected with the use or operation of ships, installations, vessels, aircraft or railway rolling stock as referred to in point a), in particular loss of freight or charter-hire;
    f) any risk or interest connected with any of the risks referred to in points a) to e);
    g) any credit risk or suretyship risk where the policy holder is engaged professionally in an industrial or commercial activity or in one of the liberal professions and the risk relates to such activity;
    h) any other risks where the policy holder carries on a business of a size which exceeds the limits of at least two of the following criteria:
        - a balance-sheet total of EUR 6 200 000;
        - a net turnover of EUR 12 800 000;
        - an average number of 250 employees during the financial year.

Rumania Artículos Declaraciones

Romania is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Suecia Artículos Declaraciones

Sweden is bound by the Convention as a result of the approval by the European Union (please click here to read the European Union declarations).

Suiza Artículos Declaraciones


(translation) (original: French)
In accordance with Article 22, paragraph 1, Switzerland declares that its courts will recognise and enforce judgments given by courts of other Contracting States designated in a choice of court agreement concluded by two or more parties that meets the requirements of Article 3, paragraph c), and designates, for the purpose of deciding disputes which have arisen or may arise in connection with a particular legal relationship, a court or courts of one or more Contracting States (a non-exclusive choice of court agreement).

Ucrania Artículos

[The aforementioned treaty is] implemented on the territory of Ukraine in full, with the exception of the territories where hostilities are (were) conducted or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation, on which it is impossible to fully guarantee the Ukrainian Party's fulfillment of its obligations under [this treaty] as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as the introduction of martial law on the territory of Ukraine until the complete cessation of encroachment on the sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the borders of Ukraine.

The regularly updated list of territories where hostilities are (were) conducted, or temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation is at the link below:

Unión europea Artículos Declaraciones Notificaciones

The European Community declares, in accordance with Article 30 of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements, that it exercises competence over all the matters governed by this Convention. Its Member States will not sign, ratify, accept or approve the Convention, but shall be bound by the Convention by virtue of its conclusion by the European Community.
For the purpose of this declaration, the term "European Community" does not include Denmark by virtue of Articles 1 and 2 of the Protocol on the position of Denmark annexed to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community.

Declaration of succession (European Union, 29 January 2010)
"... as from 1 December 2009, the European Union has replaced and succeeded the European Community (Article 1, third paragraph, of the Treaty on European Union as it results from the amendments introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon) and has exercised all rights and assumed all obligations of the European Community whilst continuing to exercise existing rights and assume obligations of the European Union. The General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, therefore has the honour to notify the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the European Union that, as from 1 December 2009, the European Community has been replaced and succeeded by the European Union in respect of all Conventions/Agreements for which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is the depositary and to which the European Community, replaced from 1 December 2009 by the European Union, is a contracting party."

Declaration of 11 June 2015


"The objective of this declaration which excludes certain types of insurance contracts from the scope of the Convention is to protect certain policyholders, insured parties and beneficiaries who, according to internal EU law, receive special protection.

1. The European Union declares, in accordance with Article 21 of the Convention, that it will not apply the Convention to insurance contracts, except as provided for in paragraph 2 below.

2. The European Union will apply the Convention to insurance contracts in the following cases:

(a) where the contract is a reinsurance contract;
(b) where the choice of court agreement is entered into after the dispute has arisen;
(c) where, without prejudice to Article 1 (2) of the Convention, the choice of court agreement is concluded between a policyholder and an insurer, both of whom are, at the time of the conclusion of the contract of insurance, domiciled or habitually resident in the same Contracting State, and that agreement has the effect of conferring jurisdiction on the courts of that State, even if the harmful event were to occur abroad, provided that such an agreement is not contrary to the law of that State;
(d) where the choice of court agreement relates to a contract of insurance which covers one or more of the following risks considered to be large risks:

(i) any loss or damage arising from perils which relate to their use for commercial purposes, of, or to:

(a) seagoing ships, installations situated offshore or on the high seas or river, canal and lake vessels;
(b) aircraft;
(c) railway rolling stock;

(ii) any loss of or damage to goods in transit or baggage other than passengers' baggage, irrespective of the form of transport;
(iii) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, arising out of the use or operation of:

(a) ships, installations or vessels as referred to in point (i)(a);
(b) aircraft, in so far as the law of the Contracting State in which such aircraft are registered does not prohibit choice of court agreements regarding the insurance of such risks;
(c) railway rolling stock;

(iv) any liability, other than for bodily injury to passengers or loss of or damage to their baggage, for loss or damage caused by goods in transit or baggage as referred to in point (ii);
(v) any financial loss connected with the use or operation of ships, installations, vessels, aircraft or railway rolling stock as referred to in point (i), in particular loss of freight or charter-hire;
(vi) any risk or interest connected with any of the risks referred to in points (i) to (v);
(vii) any credit risk or suretyship risk where the policy holder is engaged professionally in an industrial or commercial activity or in one of the liberal professions and the risk relates to such activity;
(viii) any other risks where the policy holder carries on a business of a size which exceeds the limits of at least two of the following criteria:

(a) a balance-sheet total of EUR 6,2 million;
(b) a net turnover of EUR 12,8 million;
(c) an average number of 250 employees during the financial year.

The European Union makes the following unilateral declaration:

The European Union declares that it may, at a later stage in the light: of the experience acquired in the application of the Convention, reassess the need to maintain its declaration under Article 21 of the Convention."