
Convenio de 25 de octubre de 1980 sobre los Aspectos Civiles de la Sustracción Internacional de Menores

Adhesión aceptada por / Entrada en vigor entre Mauricio y Fecha de la aceptación Entrada en vigor
Alemania 14-IX-1993 1-XII-1993
Argentina 8-XI-1993 1-II-1994
Australia 21-X-1993 1-I-1994
Austria 21-I-2011 1-IV-2011
Bélgica 23-IV-2007 1-VII-2007
Bulgaria 1-IV-2023
Canadá 29-V-1995 1-VIII-1995
China 26-VI-2003 1-IX-2003
Croacia 24-XI-2004 1-II-2005
Ecuador 26-VII-2010 1-X-2010
Eslovaquia 7-XI-2000 1-II-2001
España 21-IX-1994 1-XII-1994
Estados Unidos de América 16-VII-1993 1-X-1993
Finlandia 25-V-1994 1-VIII-1994
Francia 18-IV-1995 1-VII-1995
Grecia 16-VII-1997 1-X-1997
Hungría 11-III-2002 1-VI-2002
Irlanda 12-IX-1994 1-XII-1994
Israel 14-IX-1993 1-XII-1993
Italia 31-I-1997 1-IV-1997
Japón 24-I-2014 1-IV-2014
Lituania 1-III-2024
Luxemburgo 7-VI-1993 1-IX-1993
Marruecos 1-IX-2015
México 8-II-2007 1-V-2007
Mónaco 31-III-2008 1-VI-2008
Noruega 21-X-1996 1-I-1997
Nueva Zelandia 16-VIII-1995 1-XI-1995
Países Bajos 28-V-1993 1-VIII-1993
Polonia 12-XII-1997 1-III-1998
Portugal 12-X-2001 1-I-2002
Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte 2-VI-1993 1-IX-1993
República Checa 18-V-1998 1-VIII-1998
Serbia 19-VIII-2003 1-XI-2003
Sudáfrica 1-IX-2004
Suecia 27-IX-1993 1-XII-1993
Suiza 15-VII-1994 1-X-1994
Türkiye 7-XII-2009 1-III-2010
Ucrania 1-IV-2016
Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) 16-VI-1997 1-IX-1997


(Mauritius accepted the accession of Bulgaria on 7 December 2023)


(acceptance for the Special Administrative Region of Macao only)


(Mauritius accepted the accession of Lithuania on 7 December 2023)


(Mauritius accepted the accession of Morocco on 12 June 2015)

Países Bajos

(for the Kingdom in Europe)

Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte

With the following declaration:
Notwithstanding the provisions of the said Article 38 regarding entry into force of the Convention as between the acceding State and the State declaring its acceptance of the accession, amendments will be made to the United Kingdom municipal law in order to give effect to the Convention between it and the Republic of Mauritius as of 1 June 1993 when the Convention enters into force for the Republic of Mauritius.


(Mauritius accepted South Africa's accession on 8 June 2004)


(Mauritius accepted the accession of Ukraine on 13 January 2016)