República de Corea

Convenio de 18 de marzo de 1970 sobre la Obtención de Pruebas en el Extranjero en Materia Civil o Comercial

Adhesión aceptada por / Entrada en vigor entre República de Corea y Fecha de la aceptación Entrada en vigor
Albania 4-II-2017
Alemania 19-II-2010 20-IV-2010
Andorra 17-IV-2021
Argentina 4-VIII-2010 3-X-2010
Armenia 4-II-2017
Australia 9-III-2012 8-V-2012
Belarús 6-VI-2014 5-VIII-2014
Bosnia y Herzegovina 7-II-2018 8-IV-2018
Brasil 4-II-2017
Bulgaria 28-V-2010 27-VII-2010
China 17-V-2010 16-VII-2010
Chipre 24-VII-2010 22-IX-2010
Colombia 4-II-2017
Costa Rica 4-II-2017
Croacia 30-XI-2016 29-I-2017
Dinamarca 14-V-2016 13-VII-2016
Eslovaquia 17-VI-2010 16-VIII-2010
Eslovenia 1-VI-2017 31-VII-2017
España 14-I-2011 15-III-2011
Estados Unidos de América 8-I-2010 9-III-2010
Estonia 24-I-2011 25-III-2011
Federación de Rusia 28-V-2021 27-VII-2021
Finlandia 16-III-2010 15-V-2010
Francia 1-IV-2010 31-V-2010
Grecia 17-VI-2010 16-VIII-2010
Hungría 19-I-2011 20-III-2011
Islandia 25-XI-2021 24-I-2022
Israel 9-VI-2010 8-VIII-2010
Italia 14-V-2021 13-VII-2021
Kazajstán 17-IV-2021
Kuwait 12-VII-2021 10-IX-2021
Letonia 8-IV-2010 7-VI-2010
Liechtenstein 17-I-2017 18-III-2017
Lituania 28-II-2019 29-IV-2019
Luxemburgo 26-I-2018 27-III-2018
Malta 4-II-2017
Marruecos 4-II-2017
México 6-VIII-2013 5-X-2013
Montenegro 4-II-2017
Nicaragua 17-IV-2021
Noruega 15-XI-2010 14-I-2011
Países Bajos 11-XI-2016 10-I-2017
Polonia 29-V-2020 28-VII-2020
Portugal 16-I-2017 17-III-2017
República Checa 26-III-2010 25-V-2010
Rumania 24-XI-2017 23-I-2017
Rumania 24-XI-2017 23-I-2018
Serbia 1-VIII-2014
Singapur 4-VI-2021 3-VIII-2021
Suecia 12-V-2010 11-VII-2010
Suiza 23-IX-2011 22-XI-2011
Türkiye 5-VII-2016 3-IX-2016
Ucrania 24-III-2011 23-V-2011
Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) 2-XI-2023 1-I-2024
Viet Nam 17-IV-2021


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Albania on 6 December 2016)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Andorra on 16 February 2021)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Armenia on 6 December 2016)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Brazil on 6 December 2016)


(acceptance on behalf of the SAR of Hong Kong and Macao)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Colombia on 6 December 2016)

Costa Rica

(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Costa Rica on 6 December 2016)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Kazakhstan on 16 February 2021)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Malta on 6 December 2016)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Morocco on 6 December 2016)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Montenegro on 6 December 2016)


(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Nicaragua on 16 February 2021)

Viet Nam

(the Republic of Korea accepted the accession of Viet Nam on 16 February 2021)