Cette bibliographie ne se veut pas exhaustive. Les points de vue exprimés dans les articles énumérés dans cette bibliographie ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de la HCCH. La HCCH n’assume aucune responsabilité à l’égard des points de vue exprimés dans les articles référencés.

Auteur Titre Périodique Année d'édition
HUANG, J. Can Private Parties Contract out of the Hague Service Convention? Journal of Private International Law, Vol. 20, Is. 02 2024
GOICOECHEA, I. Novos desenvolvimentos na cooperação jurídica em matéria civil e comercial RSTPR [online]., vol.4, n.7 2016
LOPEZ, E. C. Civil procedure service of process by mail permitted by article 10(a) of the Hague Service Convention Suffolk Transnational Law Review, 39(2) 2016
TU, G. Service of process (documents) in international civil and commercial proceedings: critical review of the Chinese approach Chinese Journal of International Law, 13(3) 2014
KONDRING, J. Die internationale Zustellung per WhatsApp: Betrachtungen zum HZÜ und zum Deutsch-britischen Abkommen von 1928 im Urteils- und Anerkennungsverfahren Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax), vol. 42, Is. 06 2022
VANDERBEEK, T. What’s in the Contract?: Rockefeller, the Hague Service Convention, and Serving Process Abroad Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 76, Is. 02 2023
DODGE, W.S. Substituted Service and the Hague Service Convention William & Mary Law Review, Vol. 63, Is. 05 2022
NITSCHMANN, D. Die Auswirkungen des Brexits auf den Deutsch-Britischen Zivilrechtsverkehr IPRax - Praxis der Internationalen Privat- und Verfrahrensrecht, Vol. 43, Is. 05 2023
RICHARD, V. & HESS, B. The 1965 Service and 1970 Evidence Conventions as crucial bridges between legal traditions? The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
VAN LOON, H. Access to Justice (SDG 16): The Role of the Hague Conventions on Private International Law Revista de Direito da Universidade de Brasília, Vol. 07, Is. 03 2023
SUJECKI, B. Erläuterungen zum Haager Übereinkommen vom 15. November 1965 über die Zustellung gerichtlicher und außergerichtlicher Schriftstücke im Ausland in Zivil- und Handelssachen German C.H.Beck Verlag 2019
MC CLEAN, D. Service of Process A Guide to Global Private International Law 2022
RASS-MASSON, L. The HCCH and legal co-operation – shaping the fourth dimension of private international law The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law; Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020
DODGE, W.S. Substituted Service and the Hague Service Convention 63 William & Mary Law Review 2022
SCHLOSSER, P.F. EU-Zivilprozessrecht
NORROS, M. Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters with Russia and Methods of Evaluation
AHMED, M. Brexit and the Future of Private International Law in English Courts Oxford University Press 2022 2022
DE ARAUJO, N., VARGAS, D. and DE NARDI, M. The procedural Hague Conventions and their implementation in Brazil Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 20 (2018/2019) 2019
KRAMER X., VAN GELDER, E. & THEMELI, E. e-Justice in the Netherlands: the Rocky Road to Digitised Justice Digital Single Market: Bausteine eines Rechts in der Digitalen Welt, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018 2018
KRAMER, X. Challenges of Electronic Taking of Evidence: Old Problems in a New Guise and New Problems in Disguise Il Conferencia Internacional & XXVI Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Derecho Procesal IIDP & IAPL, La Prueba en el Proceso / Evidence in the process Atelier 2018
WOJCIK, M. Have You Been Served? International Service of Process by Registered Mail 46:3 International Law News 12 (Spring 2018) (newsletter of the American Bar Association Section of International Law) 2018
TEITZ, L. E. Will the Supreme Court Finally Resolve an Almost 30-Year Split among Circuits on Service of Process Abroad under the Hague Service Convention WaterSplash, Inc. v. Menon (16-254), 44 Preview U.S. Sup. Ct. Cas. 198 (20). (2017) 2017
RANDOLPH, C. Effecting Service on Foreign Defendants Alabama Association for Justice Journal, Fall 2018,39 Ala. Ass'n Just. J. 33 2018
NORDMEIER, C. F. Neuerungen im deutschen IZVR durch das Gestez zur Änderung von Vorschriften im Bereich des Internatonalen Privat- und Zivilverfahrensrechts IPRax : Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts Vol. 37, No. 5 (sep-oct.) 2017
WALSH, M. J. The Service of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in the European Union Irish law times Vol. 34, No. 10 2016
MARKUS, A. Internationales Zivilprozessrecht
GAUTHEY, D & MARKUS, A. L'entraide judiciaire internationale en matière civile 2014
CHARDON, M., DOUCHY-OUDOT, M., GENSOLLEN, S., GUINCHARD, E., LITVINSKI, D. & MENUT, B. Transmission, signification ou notification des actes
Litec Professionnels - Procédures 2014
ANTHIMOS, A. Service of Process Abroad - A Practical Guide - Domestic Law • Bilateral Treaties • Hague Service Convention • Regulations 1348/2000 & 1393/2007
FOLKMAN, T.J Gurung v. Malhotra Is Wrongly Decided (Draft of 12/19/13)
GOICOECHEA, I. Los nuevos desarrollos en la cooperación jurídica internacional en materia civil y comercial
Derecho internacional privado y derecho de la integración: libro homenaje a Roberto Ruiz Díaz Labrano 2013
DE ARAUJO, N. & VARGAS, D. A Conferência da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado: reaproximação do Brasil e análise das Convenções processuais
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FRANZINA, P. Sulla notifica degli atti giudiziari mediante la posta secondo la convenzione dell'Aja del 1965
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ESHLEMAN, M.O. Prego Signor Postino: Using the Mail to Avoid the Hague Service Convention's Central Authorities Oregon Review of International Law 2010
MATHIEU, A. La signification électronique... doit-on s'en méfier ?! Liber Amicorum Jacques Isnard 2009

Citações e notificações em processo civil e do trabalho: seu regime

CORNETTE, F. La notification des actes à l’étranger : l’état du droit communautaire Gazette du Palais 2009
HAWKINS, R. Dysfunctional Equivalence: The New Approach to Defining Postal Channels Under the Hague Service Convention UCLA Law Review 2007
DE ARAUJO, D. & VARGAS, D. A Conferência da Haia de Direito Internacional Privado: reaproximação do Brasil e análise das convenções processuais Cadernos do Departamento de Direito da Pontofícia Universidade Católica da Pontofícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro 2008
VARGAS, D. cf. DE ARAUJO, D. 2008
FORNER DELAYGUA, J.-J. La cooperación en materia de notificación y de obtención de pruebas: cooperación internacional de autoridades: problemas generales de cooperación La cooperación internacional de autoridades: ámbitos de familia y del proceso civil - Jornadas organizadas por el Departamento de Derecho y Economía Internacionales de la Universidad de Barcelona, 2 y 3 de octubre de 2008 2008
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WALTER, G. Internationales Zivilprozessrecht der Schweiz 2002
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