Guidelines on Post Adoption Services

The Permanent Bureau welcomes the publication of the Guidelines on Post Adoption Services, which have been developed by the European intergovernmental body, ChildONEurope. The Guidelines examine the context, rationale and goals of post-adoption services as well as the practical issues, through its analysis of the legal framework and the intervention framework, and a valuable review of the scientific literature.
The Guidelines are an important new practical tool in the field of intercountry adoption and are addressed to professionals of the field as well as to policy-makers in government.

The Guidelines were developed following a successful ChildONEurope Seminar on post adoption issues in January 2006. The preparation of the guidelines was undertaken by a ChildONEurope group of experts composed of experienced professionals from Adoption Central Authorities, accredited bodies, NGOs, as well as researchers from both Countries of Origin and from Receiving Countries.