Parte u ORIE National flag Serbia
Miembro desde 26-IV-2001
Órgano nacional

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia
c/o Embassy of Serbia
Groot Hertoginnelaan 30
tel.: +31 (70) 363-6800
fax: +31 (70) 360-2421

N.B.: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, depositary of the Hague Conventions, has notified the Member States of the Hague Conference on 5 July 2006 that "Following the declaration of the state independence of Montenegro, and under the Article 60 of the Constitutional Charter of the state union of Serbia and Montenegro, the Republic of Serbia is continuing international personality of the state union of Serbia and Montenegro, which was confirmed also by the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia at its session held on 5 June 2006."

The purpose of National Organs is the communication between the Members and the HCCH’s Permanent Bureau (Secretariat). They are not intended for communications with the public. Members of the public are kindly asked not to direct enquiries regarding a particular Convention to the National Organ.

Questions concerning a specific Convention may be directed to a Central or Competent Authority designated by a State for a particular Convention. The details of those authorities are available on the webpage relating to the specific Convention. If legal advice is required, assistance from a qualified lawyer may be necessary. 

The Permanent Bureau does not respond to legal queries from private persons or legal practitioners concerning the operation of the various Hague Conventions.

Es Parte Contratante en: 13 instrumentos
Ha firmado: 0 instrumentos Sin resultado.