Lettonie - Autorité centrale & informations pratiques

Autorité centrale :

Council of Sworn Bailiffs of Latvia

Coordonnées :

Adresse: Council of Sworn Bailiffs
Lāčplēša Street 27-32
Riga, LV-1011
Téléphone: +371 6729 0005
Télécopieur: +371 6230 2503
Courriel: documents@lzti.lv
Site Internet: http://www.lzti.lv/
Personne à contacter: Guna Berlande, Director of the Council of Sworn Bailiffs of Latvia
Evelīna Šteinberga, Legal assistant of the Council of Sworn Bailiffs of Latvia
Langues de communication:  


Informations pratiques:

Autorités expéditrices
(art. 3(1)):
The all instance courts of the Republic of Latvia examining civil cases are competent to forward a request for the service of documents to the executing country.
Formes de signification ou de notification
(art. 5(1)(2)):
Documents are received in the Central Authority and forwarded to competent Bailiff of Latvia for the execution of the request.
In accordance with the Civil Procedure Law, documents can be served using:
1) registered mail;
2) by registered mail with notification of receipt;
3) by ordinary mail;
4) by electronic mail;
5) The judicial documents may also be delivered to the workplace of the person. If the addressee is absent, the documents may be handed to the administration of the place of employment to be forwarded to the addressee.
6) Documents may be handed to an adult person met at the address indicated for service.
Exigences de traduction
(art. 5(3)):

Translation is required if the addressee refuses to accept the document because the document is not prepared in the official language of Latvia (Latvian) or in a language that the addressee understands.

In such a case the document is returned to the requesting State to be translated either into Latvian or any other language that the addressee has specified. 

Frais d’exécution d’une demande de signification ou de notification
(art. 12):

Latvia asks EUR 133,33 (including VAT) charge for each request for service of documents. The payment must be settled through a bank transfer and all bank commission fees must be covered by the person who settles the principal payment for service of documents.

Bank account information:
Registration No. 90001497619
Registered office: 27-32 Lāčplēša street, Riga, LV-1011, Latvia
Bank: Swedbank AS
Account No.: LV93HABA0551038096742
Payment purpose: information on the addressee

Délai d’exécution: If the document cannot be served within one month from the receipt of the document in the Council of Sworn Bailiffs of Latvia or within the time limit provided for in the request, the Bailiff to which the request has been forwarded to has to inform the Council of Sworn Bailiffs of Latvia about this fact as well as about the reasons that have delayed the service of the document.
Officiers ministériels, fonctionnaires ou autres personnes compétents
(art. 10(b))
Opposition et déclarations
(art. 21(2)):
Cliquer ici pour consulter toutes les déclarations faites par cet État dans le cadre de la Convention Notification.
Art. 8(2): Opposition
Art. 10(a): No opposition, but only if the documents are translated into Latvian and are delivered using a registered postal letter with an acknowledgment of receipt.
Art. 10(b): Opposition
Art. 10(c): In accordance with Article 10(c) of the 1965 Hague Convention a participant in the case may, upon consent of a judge, receive judicial documents for service to another participant in the case whose place of residence, location, or legal address is not in Latvia and whose address is known, directly from judicial officers, other officials, or other competent persons of the recipient contracting country, taking into account the conditions stipulated by the relevant contracting country, if it has not objected against such type of service.
Art. 15(2): Déclaration d'applicabilité
Art. 16(3): Pas de déclaration d'applicabilité
Voies dérogatoires (accords bilatéraux ou multilatéraux ou loi interne ouvrant d’autres voies de transmission)
(art. 11, 19, 24 et 25)
Clause de non-responsabilité :
Les informations présentées ici peuvent être incomplètes ou imparfaitement mises à jour. Veuillez contacter les autorités concernées pour vérifier ces informations.

Conventions bilatérales d'entraide judiciaire: Fédération de Russie; Biélorussie; Ukraine; Moldove; Ouzbékistan; Kirghizistan.

Le Règlement européen (CE) No 1393/2007 relatif à la signification et à la notification dans les États membres des actes judiciaires et extrajudiciaires en matière civile et commerciale (Strasbourg, 13 novembre 2007) (Atlas judiciaire européen – Signification et notification des actes).

Liens utiles: https://www.tm.gov.lv/lv/cits/vispariga-informacija-par-tiesisko-sadarbibu-civillietas-1
Autorités compétentes
(arts 6, 9)
art. 6 : cliquer ici.
art. 9 : cliquer ici.
Autres autorités
(art. 18)

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